Knife Laws In Virginia

Are you a knife enthusiast living in Virginia? If so, then it’s important to know the laws and regulations concerning owning and carrying knives. Here at Knife Talk USA, we want knife enthusiasts like yourself to be aware of all federal, state, and local laws that may affect how you own or carry a blade. In this blog post, we’ll cover exactly what types of knives are legal to own in Virginia as well as provide some detailed information about how those knives can be carried legally in public places within the Commonwealth. Read on for an essential guide to understanding knife laws in Virginia!

Overview of Knife Laws in Virginia

Virginia residents, be aware of the knife laws in your state. In Virginia, carrying a concealed knife with a blade longer than three inches is prohibited without a permit. Furthermore, it is illegal to carry a switchblade knife or any other automatic knife in public.

However, the law does not restrict the open carrying of knives, as long as they are not concealed. It’s important to note that the possession of any knife is also prohibited in certain locations, such as schools and courthouses.

As with any law, it’s important to educate yourself and stay informed to avoid any legal complications. By understanding the knife laws in Virginia, you can safely and legally enjoy owning and carrying your knives.

Types of Knives That Are Allowed in Virginia

Virginia knife law can be tricky to navigate, but fear not! There are still many types of knives that are legal in the state. Pocket knives with blades under three inches in length are generally considered lawful for everyday carry.

Additionally, hunting knives, Bowie knives, and fixed-blade knives are allowed as long as they are carried openly and not concealed.

It’s important to note that there are exceptions to these laws in certain locations, like schools and government buildings. By familiarizing yourself with the laws and safety measures around carrying knives, you can be confident in your ability to use and store your knives safely and legally in Virginia.

Prohibited Knives and Other Weapons in Virginia

If you’re a Virginia resident, you might be curious about Virginia’s knife law and what types of knives are prohibited. Virginia prohibits the carrying of any knife having a blade of three inches or longer without a valid concealed carry permit.

Additionally, there are certain types of knives that are always illegal to own or carry in Virginia, including ballistic knives, switchblades, throwing stars, and brass knuckles. It’s important to stay up-to-date on Virginia’s knife laws, as violations can result in criminal charges and potential jail time. Knowing the law can help keep you and others safe, while also ensuring you avoid legal troubles.

Different Restrictions on Concealed Carry of Knives by State Law

18.2-282.1. Brandishing a machete or other bladed weapon with intent to intimidate, penalty.
18.2-283. Carrying dangerous weapons to places of religious worship.
18.2-283.1. Carrying a weapon into the courthouse.
18.2-287.01 Carrying a weapon in an air carrier airport terminal.
18.2-307.1.Definitions (provides the definition for “ballistic knife”)
18.2-308. Carrying concealed weapons; exceptions; penalty.
18.2-308.1.Possession of firearm, stun weapon, or other weapon on school property prohibited, penalty.

18.2-308.2. Possession or transportation of firearms, firearms ammunition, stun weapons, explosives, or concealed weapons by convicted felons; penalties; petition for restoration order, when issued

18.2-309. Furnishing certain weapons to minors; is a penalty.
18.2-311. Prohibiting the selling or having in possession blackjacks, etc.
19.2-386.28. Forfeiture of weapons that are concealed, possessed, transported, or carried in violation of law

Penalties for Carrying Prohibited Knives in Virginia

As a resident or visitor to Virginia, it is important to be aware of the state’s knife laws. In particular, carrying prohibited knives can result in severe legal consequences. Virginia law prohibits the carrying of certain knives, including dirks, Bowie knives, switchblades, and ballistic knives.

If caught carrying any of these prohibited knives, you could face a Class 4 felony charge, which carries a prison sentence of up to ten years and a maximum fine of $100,000. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the state’s knife laws and ensure that you are carrying only legal knives to avoid any legal repercussions. Stay informed and stay safe.

Unexpected Places You’ll Find Exceptions to Knife Laws in Virginia

Did you know that Virginia has some of the strictest knife laws in the country? Despite this fact, there are unexpected places where you’ll find exceptions to these laws. For example, did you know that you are allowed to carry a knife on school grounds as long as it is for a lawful purpose? Or that you can carry a concealed knife without a permit if it is less than three inches in length?

These are just a couple of the exceptions that you’ll find in Virginia’s knife laws. It’s important to be aware of these exceptions and know when and where you can legally carry a knife in Virginia.


In Virginia, it is important to stay informed and up-to-date about the law regarding knives. By remaining aware of the regulations, residents can ensure that their carry habits are lawful and avoid unnecessary consequences. Knowing where and when you can legally possess a knife is critical in ensuring that your rights as a responsible citizen are respected and maintained—Also, understanding what types of knives are permissible for each different instance is beneficial to staying within regulation.

Ultimately, if you have any concerns or doubts about your knife choice, contact your local police department for more detailed information. After all, knowledge does come with safety when it comes to knife laws in Virginia!

Frequently Asked Question

What is the legal knife length in Virginia?

However, laws 18.2-308 and 18.2-308.1 together make it illegal to carry any type of knife, whether it’s openly visible or concealed, in locations like schools, courthouses, and airports. The only exception to this rule is a pocketknife that has a blade length of less than three inches.

Does Virginia allow automatic knives?

On the heels of last year’s repeal of Virginia’s ban on switchblades or automatic knives, the state has now removed them from the list of weapons that cannot be carried concealed.

What state has the strictest knife laws?

California is known for having rather complicated weapon laws, and knives are no exception. It is completely unlawful to bring a weapon into public spaces like schools, public buildings, and any property owned by the U.S. government.

Why are switchblades illegal in Virginia?

Pillion said Virginia is one of six states that still prohibits switchblades, even though they are “rarely used in crimes.” Similar to other states, Virginia banned switchblades in the 1950s as perceived concerns over street gangs using them swelled.

What knife is banned in the US?

Possession of switchblades, pilum ballistic knives, metal knuckle knives, cane swords, and “Kung Fu stars” is prohibited. Some knives are not illegal, but become illegal based on how they are used or possessed

What knife is legal in the USA?

It’s legal to have a dagger, dirk, stiletto, or hunting knife.

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